Day 1
Burpees: 1x30
Bent-over Barbell Row: 4x10
Straight Leg Deadlifts: 5x8
Walking Lunges: 2 sets of 20 reps (10 each leg) (shift all your weight to the driving leg)
SUPERSET Seated/Standing Calf Raise: 1 set of 120 reps with a 2 second pause at the top
V-Ups: 2 sets of 20 reps, ROM+Vacuum (suck in) (start on your back and go fast on the eccentric and squeeze)
Russian Twists: 1x30 (be sure to touch the ground on each side)
Toe-to-bar Leg Raise: 3 sets of 5 reps, Toes to Bar + Vacuum(suck in)
Day 2
Hollowed Push-ups/Wide Grip Pull-ups: 2x20
Barbell Incline Close-Grip Bench: 2 sets of 20 repetitions
Seated Cable Single Arm Rows: 2 drop sets (start heavy to accomplish 5 reps then lighten it to accomplish 10 reps and then drop it one more time to accomplish 20 reps)
DB Bent Over Row: 3 sets of 20 (10 each arm)
*remember to switch starting sides to maintain even strength by performing high-quality reps for each side.
Prone Bench Shoulder Flies: 3 sets of 10 without a pause at the top (prone means face down)
Standing DB Shoulder Press: 3 Sets of 12 reps (start neutral but end with a slight twist inward
Day 3
Front Barbell Squats: 2 sets of 20 reps
Barbell Squats: 4 sets of 8,10,8,6 reps
Bear Crawls: 2 sets of 100 yards
KB Swings: 2 sets of 20 reps
Day 4
Handstand Static Wall Holds: 2x25 seconds
Shoulder Side-front Raises 3x10 (slow and controlled) raise the weight i front of you and then when you reach horizontal bring the weight to your lateral and lower it.
Single Rm DB Row with Men’s Health’s direction 3X10
Standing DB Shoulder Press (extend arms fully and practice full range of motion) 3x10
Lateral, Narrow Grip Barbell Shoulder Raise 2x20
Pull-Ups 3 sets to failure (keep shoulders engaged)
Chin-Ups 3 sets to failure tempo (point toes in front of you)
Sit-ups 3 sets of 20 (suck in to automatically work your abs)w
Alternating, Jumping Runner Lunges 3 x 10 each side
Bodyweight Jump Squats (pause at the bottom give 100% force through each rep
Day 5
Flat Bench: 4 sets 10 reps
Seated Single Arm Rows: 3 sets 20 reps (10 each side)
- Thoroughly Stretch and use a lacrosse ball to run over problem area ~ 30x’s
Ab Challenge with Chris Heria
Day 6
Active Recovery: 30 Minute Walk or Yoga
Day 7
Active Recovery: 30 Minute Walk or Yoga